With Our Ideas We Shape The World of Transport Logistics
Home SAP Transportation Management

With SAP TM Into The Future Of Transportation Management
Together we will optimize your transport logistics
Transportation is one of the highest expense factors in your supply chain. Consequently, the transport management system is often the focus of attention when it comes to standardizing, optimizing and digitizing logistics processes across all transport types and modes.
Our interdisciplinary expert team of SAP TM and logistics consultants brings experience from numerous international projects. We draw on our versatile expertise in SAP standard and customer-specific solutions. What determines our course? Your individual requirements! We offer end-to-end support in selection processes, business case development, preliminary studies, implementations and go-lives.
We look at your
transport processes end-to-end
Transport Planning and Management
Plan and manage your transports in one solution. Stay flexible and react to changes.
Freight Charges and Invoicing
We advise you on the configuration of freight cost calculation, master data creation and maintenance of freight agreements through to integration with SAP FI/CO.
Digital Order Management
Plan directly at the order level and combine inbound and outbound shipments.
Route Finding and Map Integration
Integrated maps and traffic data support you in route planning.
Create your individual itinerary for the conversion to SAP S/4HANA Transportation Management with us. We illuminate your business needs and create a roadmap together.
We are the right partner for you to take a holistic view of your logistics process chain. We bring experience from a variety of implementation projects and look forward to implementing your project with our passion, creativity and down-to-earthness as well as a proven project methodology.
Our special competencies
- High level of expertise in the areas of freight cost allocation and settlement through to integration with your SAP ERP or SAP S/4HANA system
- In-depth SAP know-how Specialization in operational logistics processes
- Experience and industry knowledge in integrating sensor technology and using visual object recognition
- Integration of all leogistics solutions for a holistic process management in SAP
- Migration and implementation of SAP S/4HANA Transportation Management
Client Testimonials
Following the successful implementation of SAP TM by leogistics, Roche now has a centralized and global transport management platform at its disposal. In addition to process harmonization, the solution provides flexible customization options in the implementation of legal regulations and process optimization.
Understanding the Role of SAP Business Technology Platform in Modern Logistics
TM in SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud
Innovations in Bulk Material Logistics: Harmonizing Automation and Planning
Optimizing Warehouse Logistics with AI and Data Analytics
Why Digitization and AI Will Determine the Success of Warehouse Logistics in the Future
Great Flexibility for Your Transportation Processes with Conditions in SAP S/4HANA TM
“The yard is the central hub for our entire supply chain planning”.
The Warehouse as a Valuable Part of the Supply Chain
SAP S/4HANA Fully Activated Appliance (FAA) At A Glance
Latest news and blog posts from the world of intelligent supply chain management
Get in touch
We’d be happy to provide you with strategic advice on identifying optimization potential and developing a holistic target picture for your future logistics processes.