The key to the gateway? Collaboration!

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Alternative entry method on the plant site solves several challenges at once.

The leogistics GmbH solution portfolio supports companies in all industries in solving their logistical challenges. This was also the case for one of our customers, whose factory premises had repeatedly experienced congestion at the entrance to the company premises in the past. Unfortunately, no check-in/out terminal was available on site. In addition, two other companies are located on the premises, which also had to deal with the congestion problem, but did not want to go through their own check-in process for reasons of time and convenience. Accordingly, a simple and fast solution was needed that would relieve the gatekeeper and not require any time-consuming checks of people entering the premises.

Smart entry via PIN code - the solution in detail

Our solution: Every known visitor receives a key in the form of a PIN code. The advantage of this is that they can be changed at will and generated in any quantity. In addition, there was a permanently mounted touch panel for input, control electronics and the appropriate software.
Representation of the information flow
Our customer works with yard receipts and would like to use the receipt numbers as a day-valid ticket or PIN for entry. Checking the PIN allows data in the present SAP system to be matched directly and made available for subsequent processes, for example, a message about the arrival of a driver for a delivery.
document number
Enter the PIN code

The two other companies located on the site now also required PIN codes in order to continue to access the entrance. From now on, 8-digit codes with a specific validity period will be generated and synchronized in leogistics Yard Management. This, in turn, enables the numbers to be passed on to the drivers etc.

On the hardware side, the solution consists of a touchscreen with the corresponding user interface and an IoT gateway that processes the data from the UI and sends it to the SAP backend for verification. If the check is successful, the IoT gateway then forwards the corresponding signal for opening to the barrier.

document number, safe journey
Document number and conclusion - have a good trip!
Key Facts
  • Access control for three different companies via one solution
  • Control of four barriers at two plant entrances
  • Also serves as exit control
  • 100% On Premise with leogistics d.s.c.
  • SAP Yard Management Backend
  • User interface in 17 languages
  • Relief of the gatekeeper
  • Requirement: Congestion at the entrance successfully eliminated

In summary, we have completed another innovative project in which it once again became very clear how important collaboration is. Sometimes it’s the little things that lead to success.



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