IoT, Planning, Transport, Warehouse

Understanding the Role of SAP Business Technology Platform in Modern Logistics

The SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) is designed to address challenges through a unified environment. It integrates key technological functions such as application integration, data management, advanced analytics, and custom application development. This integrated approach enables logistics companies to eliminate existing inefficiencies and build more resilient and responsive supply chains.

Road Outbound Scenario with SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud

When it comes to the implementation and maintenance of enterprise software, the requirements are often similar: a fast implementation with low costs, standardized processes, and a system that is always up to date. The solution to these demands is the SAP Public Cloud.

TM in SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud

Fast implementation and scaling, easily calculable operating costs and a system that is always up to date: SAP S/4 HANA Public Cloud offers these and other advantages.
LKW fahren über Brücke, Vogelperspektive

Successfully Master the Transition from LE-TRA to SAP TM!

With the introduction of SAP S/4HANA, a major change is on the horizon. This is also the case in Transportation Management (TM): LE-TRA will be replaced by SAP S/4HANA TM.

Will there be a Christmas without presents this year?

Logistics is facing a very special challenge during the Christmas season.

The Pandemic And Resource Scarcity Are Boosters For Connected Collaboration

Even a supply chain control tower - even with the greatest scope and know-how - cannot compensate for delivery fluctuations. According to the experts, the triad of organizations "people," "digital and physical processes," and "software" must be dovetailed in such a way that supply chains can be monitored with as little or no media disruption as possible.

Save Cut-Over Effort with the New SAP TM Master Data Transfer Tool

This blog explains how a simplification of the central master data maintenance is possible thanks to the distribution tool.
3 Szenarien, wie Sie Ihr SAP EWM mit Fremdsystemen integrieren

3 scenarios to connect your SAP EWM to third-party systems

We show which integration scenarios are available for the integration of SAP EWM (Extended Warehouse Management).

Solving Complex Planning Problems With The Help Of Machine Learning – A Practical Example

Machine learning can provide valuable assistance in solving almost unsolvable tasks - and thus increase the efficiency of many processes.
Autobahn in beide Richtungen aus Vogelperspektive

Transportation management systems are changing

We start with a transport management system analysis and provide concrete recommendations for action on SAP S/4HANA TM.

To cope with Volumes fluctuations in Supply in exceptional circumstances

How you can immediately stem and counteract fluctuations in delivery volumes - The Bullwhip-Effect and robust supply chains.
Mann vor Projektplan

Supply Chain Planning does not end at the yard gate

Integrate your internal logistics into the integrated supply chain planning
Waggonansicht aus Vogelperspektive

The importance of planning for railway processes

How modern industrial railways plan their operations.
LKW Einblick nach innen

Maximise the use of your transportation means

How SAP TM takes over the packaging planning and thus enables optimal load planning.
truck on highway

Goodbye Scheduling Chaos: Stay On Top Of Things

How to keep an eye on incoming and outgoing shipments at all times. The potentials of a time slot management system.
kooperation leogsitics und transcare

Cooperation leogistics and transcare

leogistics GmbH and the logistics consulting company TransCare GmbH started a cooperation at the Logistics Congress.

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