IoT, Planning, Transport, Warehouse

Understanding the Role of SAP Business Technology Platform in Modern Logistics

The SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) is designed to address challenges through a unified environment. It integrates key technological functions such as application integration, data management, advanced analytics, and custom application development. This integrated approach enables logistics companies to eliminate existing inefficiencies and build more resilient and responsive supply chains.

Optimizing Warehouse Logistics with AI and Data Analytics

Data analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) are already contributing to automation in many areas. Warehouse logistics can also benefit significantly from this.

Why Digitization and AI Will Determine the Success of Warehouse Logistics in the Future

The requirements in warehouse logistics have grown steadily in recent years, especially in terms of flexibility. Digitization and IoT are becoming economic success factors.
LKW auf Straße Vogelperspektive

Automatic Trailer Recognition: When Small Automation Steps Bring Huge Cost Savings

Even the smallest automation measures within a yard process can lead to enormous cost savings. Read more in the article.
LKW Einfahrt auf Werksgelände

The key to the gateway? Collaboration!

A simple, quick solution from leogistics GmbH that relieves the gatekeeper and does not require any time-consuming checks on people entering the premises.
Mann vor Bildschirmen mit vielen Daten

Data Exchange Between Organizations: API first!

The exchange of data between IT systems of different organizations - and as efficiently as possible - plays a crucial role in logistics.
Kamera überwacht Tor auf Werksgelände

leogistics & Axis – A Powerful Partnership

As a leader in multifunctional network video, Axis offers various types of camera systems that are very useful in logistics.

leogistics and Kathrein create new digitization opportunities in material and process flow control

leogistics GmbH, a leading driver of supply chain management, is following up on an earlier partnership with Kathrein Solutions.
Wie lernende Systeme das Supply Chain Management verbessern und erleichtern

How Learning Systems Improve and Facilitate Supply Chain Management

Artificial intelligence makes proactive statements about logistics processes. In this context, artificial intelligence (AI) has been the buzzword par excellence for quite some time.

The Future of Yard Management: Contactless And Digital Yard Management

The contactless, digital, automated and optimized yard as an integral part of the supply chain

myleo / empties: Track Containers In The Supply Chain In Real Time

myleo / empties now ensures that containers, empty and returnable goods are always ready at the right place at the right time.

Container management: Do you still have all containers in stock?

Virtually nothing works in logistics without containers. With smart container management, the cycle can be controlled efficiently.
Future of Yard Management

The Future of Yard Management: make your yard future-proof with these 8 trends

Yard management is often equated with truck handling on a factory or yard site. However, the use cases in practice are much more complex. The processes are also very different due to the goods to be transported. All of this must be taken into account when yard management processes are to be considered or optimized.
leogistics and RailWatch Digitalize Freight Transports Through RailWatch And leogistics Rail

Great Teamwork: Digitalizing Freight Transports Through RailWatch And leogistics Rail

More efficient plant rail operations by means of intelligent measuring systems and valuable real-time information
Hand an IoT Dummy

All the way from shop floor to top floor: IOT-scenarios in logistics

A look at the IoT architecture and application scenarios for the field of logistics.
parkende LKW auf einem Werksgelände aus Vogelperspektive

Ensuring efficient capacity utilization at your site

What makes factory logistics and thus yard management software smart? - An outlook on the possibilities of digitalization and automation in yard logistics.
tablet Screen mit Dashboard Anwendung

Smart Apps for smart business

Continuous development of smart services and apps for logistics business processes from our Leolab.
Voice assitant Alexa

I develop a voice assistant for digital logistics solutions

This year we have built several prototypes to improve and simplify logistic processes by means of voice control and the use of voice assistants.
Frau und Mann schauen in Kamera

How to optimize the check-in and check-out process

How to standardize and automate your check-in process through the use of terminals.
smarter Hafen: kollaborative Logistikketten

What does make my port „smart“?

Automation as a driver for smart port logistics

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