Case Study

Leading Biotechnology Company in Lower Austria Reduces Truck Turnaround Times in just 6 Months

Traffic on and in front of the plant site optimized thanks to new yard management solution

Time and again, deliveries of raw materials by truck can cause blockages on domestic plant premises and even traffic jams on public roads due to seasonal fluctuations. This was also the case at the plant of a leading biotechnology company in Lower Austria, which frequently affected traffic on a busy federal highway.

The company therefore commissioned leogistics GmbH with the aim of improving traffic on the roads outside, but also inside, the plant premises. This was to be accompanied by the creation of greater transparency regarding the presence of people and trucks on the plant premises. The introduction of a solution for registration and access control was also part of the task. Another goal of the new yard management solution was to optimize truck turnaround times at the loading points. In order to relieve the public roads quickly, the state of Lower Austria specified a narrow time window of six months for the implementation of the measures.

leogistics Solution Streamlines Yard Processes

The customer decided to build a new parking lot with 58 truck parking spaces outside the plant. The dispatch office was also moved outside as part of this construction measure and is now centrally accessible for the dispatch of trucks without causing congestion and blockages in other areas of the site.

By implementing components from leogistics d.s.c., leogistics made it possible for truck drivers to self-register at terminals. Complex logic in checking the loading reference entered by the driver and a required consent of the driver to the company’s safety instruction make the process secure and robust. In addition, further logic for opening barriers and an associated access control now ensures that only registered persons gain access to the site at the correct barrier for the process.

At the same time, the newly introduced leogistics Transport Cockpit ensures an overview of everything that is happening in the yard at all times and offers plant employees the opportunity to actively intervene in the process in a controlling manner.

Quickly Noticeable Improvements due to Short Implementation Time

The project was characterized by an extremely short implementation time. The leogistics team was able to achieve this in particular through efficient and agile project management. Process analyses and documentation as well as the creation of a blueprint with technical specifications went hand in hand. Weekly status meetings and regular on-site appointments were meticulously adhered to. This meant that interim results could be presented on site and approved directly.

The final go-live took place to the day. leogistics was able to implement the project cleanly on schedule according to all customer requirements and successfully eliminate congestion caused by waiting trucks on public roads. At the same time, transparency was created regarding people and vehicle movements on the plant premises and truck turnaround times were reduced.

A Glimpse of the Future

Another project is currently being implemented to improve logistics processes in the area of raw material delivery. The aim here is to achieve faster, partially automated processing of registration and unloading. Raw materials handling will be incorporated into the existing outgoing goods processing within this process. Furthermore, leogistics will roll out its software in another plant of the biotechnology company.



Are you interested in state-of-the-art logistics solutions? Then I am your contact person. I look forward to your call or your message via contact form.

Christiaan Carstens Portrait

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