Understanding the Role of SAP Business Technology Platform in Modern Logistics

The SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) is designed to address challenges through a unified environment. It integrates key technological functions such as application integration, data management, advanced analytics, and custom application development. This integrated approach enables logistics companies to eliminate existing inefficiencies and build more resilient and responsive supply chains.

Optimizing Warehouse Logistics with AI and Data Analytics

Data analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) are already contributing to automation in many areas. Warehouse logistics can also benefit significantly from this.

Why Digitization and AI Will Determine the Success of Warehouse Logistics in the Future

The requirements in warehouse logistics have grown steadily in recent years, especially in terms of flexibility. Digitization and IoT are becoming economic success factors.
LKW vor Lager

The Warehouse as a Valuable Part of the Supply Chain

How can a warehouse be transformed from a necessary cost factor to a proactive or even value-adding link in the supply chain? Read more in the article.
Mitarbeiter:innen im Lager vor Hochregallager

“Slotting” or Warehouse Disposition and Reorganization – Underestimated Topics in SAP EWM

Slotting, which also includes warehouse planning and reorganization in SAP EWM, still receives little attention. Yet it is incredibly important. Read more in the article.
International transport journal -track and trace

International Transport Journal: More than track & trace

Lager Fließband

Goodbye to Scanning – How ABAP Push Channels (APC) Can Improve Warehouse Performance

ABAP Push Channels (APC) facilitate many processes in EWM-controlled warehouses through push-based communication. Learn more in the article.
Mitarbeiter beraten sich vor Lager

What distinguishes successful consulting in warehouse logistics

Good consulting is the core element of every service. Also when converting or entering the SAP world, making warehouses fit for the future.

Why warehouse management should set up now for digitalization

Digitization is often approached cautiously in the warehouse environment. But the hurdles are usually smaller than feared and the benefits are considerable. Read more.
Lager mit Regalen

Optimize Warehouse Activities with Wave Management

With wave management in SAP EWM, the planning, execution and control of warehouse activities can be optimized. Read more in the article.

Avoidable pitfalls in production integration in SAP EWM

There are avoidable pitfalls in SAP Extended Warehouse Management when it comes to production integration. Learn what to look out for in the blog.

SAP EWM: 4 Steps To More Sustainability In Warehouse Logistics

without sustainability in production, storage and transport, there will be no fair produced products. What does sustainability look like in the warehouse?
Mann und Frau am Computer im Lager

Our Straightforward Customer Service For Your Concerns

Our claim: To offer customers the highest quality even after their solution has gone live. This is how ticket issuing works.
RF-Framework Arbeiter am Fießband

The RF Framework Is Dead – Long Live The RF Framework

The RF Framework provides a variety of applications out-of-the-box to handle any warehouse process such as putaway, inventory, picking, etc. on a mobile basis. Stay true to the RF Framework even when switching to S/4HANA!

With The Introduction of S/4HANA, Does SAP WM Soon Belong In The “retirement home”?

In the next few years, many SAP customers will face the challenge of switching from their current SAP ERP system to the new S/4HANA. This will also bring many functional changes for the companies.

4 variants of production integration with SAP S/4HANA EWM – which one is right for you?

Introduction to Production Supply with SAP S/4HANA EWM
SAP WM versus SAP EWM - Lageransicht aus Vogelperspektive

SAP WM Versus SAP EWM – All Pros And Cons (2/2)

When customers consider an SAP S/4HANA implementation, they also need to think about a strategy regarding their warehouse management. In this two-part blog series, we'd like to provide you with decision-making tools on how to make a smooth transition.
SAP WM versus SAP EWM - Lageransicht aus Vogelperspektive

SAP WM Versus SAP EWM – All Pros And Cons (1/2)

When customers consider an SAP S/4HANA implementation, they also need to think about a strategy regarding their warehouse management. In this two-part blog series, we'd like to provide you with decision-making tools on how to make a smooth transition.
SAP S/4HANA 2020 FPS01: Many New Features in Stock

New possibility of SAP TM and EWM integration

Advanced Shipping and Receiving" is the new and long-awaited option for SAP TM and EWM integration. Our leogistics community has dealt extensively with the new SAP S/4HANA 2020 FPS release.
3 Szenarien, wie Sie Ihr SAP EWM mit Fremdsystemen integrieren

3 scenarios to connect your SAP EWM to third-party systems

We show which integration scenarios are available for the integration of SAP EWM (Extended Warehouse Management).

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