How to make my site more attractive for carriers and drivers

With leogistics d.s.c., supply chains can be digitized and communication with drivers and service providers simplified.

The digital logistics chain

Technologies such as IoT and advanced image recognition systems offer a wide range of optimization options especially for logistics.
Digitalisierung stilisiert

LogiMAT 2019: leogistics brings the digitalisation of logistics to life

Leogistics will be presenting its comprehensive range of services relating to the digitization of logistics processes at logimat 2019 and bringing them to life.
Die Verschmelzung von physischer und virtueller Welt

The fusion of physical and virtual world

In an exclusive interview with E-3, André Käber talks about the impact of the Internet of Things, blockchain and artificial intelligence on the industry.
Hafenlogistik stilisiert dargestellt

Process management for port logistics

leogistics GmbH presents enhanced process management module for port logistics: Leogistics port.
kooperation leogsitics und transcare

Cooperation leogistics and transcare

leogistics GmbH and the logistics consulting company TransCare GmbH started a cooperation at the Logistics Congress.
leogistics Jubiläum

leogistics celebrates its 10th anniversary

We celebrated our 10th birthday last year and look back on a successful decade of continuous growth.
Stifte, Kamera, Papier

Prevention is better than a cure

In addition to consistently reducing costs, this increasingly involves improving the flexibility and agility of logistics processes.

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