Christiaan Carstens von leogistics im Interview: Wissen, was Bahnen bewegt

Knowing what moves railroads

Christiaan Carstens describes the importance of digitized and integrated yard and connecting rail processes. What moves railroads!
hands using tablet in warehouse

The Digitalization of Intralogistics

Are you looking for easy to use Fiori Apps for classic SAP processes and SAP applications, with which you can achieve a high user experience and performance for your employees in logistics and production?
Autobahn in beide Richtungen aus Vogelperspektive

Transportation management systems are changing

We start with a transport management system analysis and provide concrete recommendations for action on SAP S/4HANA TM.
Hand an IoT Dummy

All the way from shop floor to top floor: IOT-scenarios in logistics

A look at the IoT architecture and application scenarios for the field of logistics.
myleo / dsc Hardware Terminal

leogistics enables combined software and hardware solution for contactless yard logistics

To make the transport process safer for shippers and drivers, we offer a digitalization solution from check-in to check-out.
parkende LKW auf einem Werksgelände aus Vogelperspektive

Ensuring efficient capacity utilization at your site

What makes factory logistics and thus yard management software smart? - An outlook on the possibilities of digitalization and automation in yard logistics.
Füße schreiten in Richtung des Pfeils am Boden

Your guide to a successful upgrade

How to successfully migrate your Yard Management System.
tablet Screen mit Dashboard Anwendung

Smart Apps for smart business

Continuous development of smart services and apps for logistics business processes from our Leolab.

To cope with Volumes fluctuations in Supply in exceptional circumstances

How you can immediately stem and counteract fluctuations in delivery volumes - The Bullwhip-Effect and robust supply chains.
SAP Fiori oder Freestyle App?

Build SAP Fiori applications with little effort

Optimize the development process with SAP Fiori elements. With SAP Fiori elements SAP provides a suitable framework for the efficient development of SAP Fiori applications and is used more and more often in SAP projects.
Mann vor Projektplan

Supply Chain Planning does not end at the yard gate

Integrate your internal logistics into the integrated supply chain planning

Hackathons: More than just a school reunion of nerds

Hackathons are the catalysts of solutions that often find no room in everyday business life. With the goal of encouraging the creativity of each individual, our leoHackathon is the ideal breeding ground for exciting logistics innovations.
Güterverkehr aus Vogelperspektive

New out-of-the-box solution leogistics rail

With leogistics Rail, leogistics GmbH presents a novel out-of-the-box solution for the railroad market.
Wartende Werksbahnen auf Gleisen

Factory railways: future-proof through digital operational planning

M. Platzer sheds light on the potential that lies in the digitization of plant rail processes.
Schienengleise in Sonnenuntergang

A look back – factory railway go-lives with leogistics rail

The functionality of leogistics Rail has been thoroughly tested in numerous implementation projects, and the scalability of the apps and processes has also been proven:
grafische Darstellung eines vernetzten Hafens

The vision of the networked port

Port logistics is changing - Where is the trend in maritime logistics heading? Our author gives an overview of the port of tomorrow.
DSGVO Grafik

Check your logistics software for data leaks!

For anyone who disregards "the right to be forgotten" is liable to prosecution. The Basic Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been in force in Europe since May 25, 2018. The change in the laws gives all EU citizens a fundamental "right to be forgotten". According to §83 / para. 5 GDPR, serious violations may result in fines of up to 4% of the company's turnover or up to 20 million euros.
Strassenschlucht mit Sonnenuntergang

leogistics at LogiMat 2020

Leogistics will also present itself at LogiMAT in 2020. Among others, the applications myleo / slot and myleo / tnt will be presented.
Voice assitant Alexa

I develop a voice assistant for digital logistics solutions

This year we have built several prototypes to improve and simplify logistic processes by means of voice control and the use of voice assistants.
Stifte, Kamera, Papier

What does make my port smart?

Saving time and costs through trustworthy data handling and collaboration. Smart Port Logistics stands for all of this.

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