leogistics donates 9,000 Euros

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Hamburg, 06.07.2018 – leogistics GmbH, global SAP logistics partner in the area of SAP Supply Chain Management (SCM) with specialization in transportation management, warehouse management and yard management, supports the University of Kassel with the donation campaign “leo for PAUL”. The “Portable Aqua Unit for Lifesaving”, PAUL for short, is a portable water filter unit for use in emergency and catastrophe situations. In contrast to filter systems, which take several days to put into operation on site and are usually only installed in central locations, PAUL also reaches people in remote areas with far less logistical effort. A total of 9,000 euros was collected for the project from customers, business partners and employees of leogistics. The symbolic cheque was recently handed over in Hamburg to Prof. Dr.-Ing. F.-B. Frechen, Head of the Department of Urban Water Management at the University of Kassel.

PAUL (Portable Aqua Unit for Lifesaving) was developed by the Department of Urban Water Management in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Kassel under the direction of Prof. Dr.-Ing. F.-B. Frechen for the purification of contaminated surface water. The blue water backpack weighs approx. 23 kg and processes 1,200 litres of water per day, without energy, chemicals, maintenance or trained operating personnel. The entire operation is shown in four pictograms, so that the device can also be operated by illiterates. About 400 people can help themselves.

The 2,700 PAUL units currently in use supply around one million people worldwide with drinkable water in the long term. In the affected areas in Asia, Africa and South America, where PAUL is already filtering everywhere, the number of gastrointestinal diseases has fallen dramatically. Here, for example, children can go to school more frequently because they are less ill.

"As a company that deals with logistical challenges on a daily basis, we wanted to support a project that makes a direct and efficient contribution to improving the living conditions of local people. PAUL offers concrete and at the same time innovative assistance in emergency situations, especially in regions that are difficult to access or in situations where a large device cannot do anything. Through the support and willingness to donate of our customers, business partners and employees, we have collected a considerable sum, which has been increased by the company. With these 9,000 euros, nine mobile PAUL units can be manufactured and used on site."

"If one sees that one can actually help many humans in practice, then that makes really fun. We are very happy about the support from leogistics and the attention that is drawn to PAUL. We will bring the donated water filter units to Vietnam in July, as the water supply in large parts of northern and central Vietnam has been interrupted or destroyed by severe flooding and landslides."


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